Field Representatives

Safeguarding the jobs and rights of SEBA members has the highest priority, that’s why SEBA has a full-time team of professional Field Representatives available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are here to assist members with critical incidents such as an officer involved shooting (OIS), in custody death (ICD), or other similarly serious incident, grievances, Internal Affairs interviews, administrative appeals hearings, contract dispute resolution, and much more. All conversations are kept in the strictest of confidence.


Members have the benefit of representation through the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) Legal Defense Fund for job-related civil, criminal, and administrative actions. SEBA retains the legal expertise of the following law firms for issues ranging from member representation to contract negotiations:

Law Office of Raines Lucia Stern St. Phalle & Silver, PC

Benefits and Discounts

For access to a full list of member-only resources, log in to the Member Portal, located at the top of the page.