Attack on Deputy Unacceptable!

One of our deputies was viciously attacked by inmates who faked a medical emergency to lure her into the cell, then slashed her face with a razor blade, threw vomit on her and used her handheld radio to beat her until help arrived.

These three inmates preyed on our member’s compassionate spirit and duty to help in their elaborate scheme to ambush and injure a law enforcement officer who was only doing her job. This brazen attack on a deputy is repugnant.

These inmates -- whose crimes for incarceration include attempted murder -- were coldly calculated and, no doubt, emboldened by recent legislative changes that minimize punishments for violent criminals.

Under current California state law, the attack on our member is not considered a violent crime.

If this shocks your sensibilities, it is time to demand change. We at SEBA have had enough. We will be working diligently to reverse the tide of these pro-criminal politics. Stay tuned for more information on how you can help.

In the meantime, we are here for our member for any support or assistance she may need. We pray for her complete healing and for justice to be served. To the rest of our membership and law enforcement family, please stay safe.
