I Am You Campaign

SEBA launched the “I Am You” campaign to give a voice to our African American members during a time when society is examining important topics such as racial equality and policing in America.

We watched our deputies of color be demonized, degraded and even assaulted on the front lines of protests simply for the color of their skin. Such hateful treatment of any person should shock the collective conscious, but it is especially unwarranted for a group of respectable, young professionals who joined law enforcement to make an impact from inside the profession.

As a police union, we felt a duty to amplify our members’ voices and bring their sentiments to the forefront of the conversation. Our African American members come from diverse backgrounds and bring a passion and perspective to policing that deserves to be highlighted. Through this project, our deputies – in their own words—demonstrate their heartfelt desire to build trust and meaningful relationships between their profession and their communities.

We are proud of our members who are willing to stand in the gap; and we are proud to help advance their efforts for positive change.  SEBA does not represent the agency on the front of the badge, we represent the people behind it. By launching the I Am You campaign, we hope to humanize our deputies, highlight commonalities and move toward shared goals to engage with our community.

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