A note from SEBA President Grant Ward Regarding Fallen Officers


A note from SEBA President Grant Ward:

Today is a day I look forward to and dread each year. The first week of May has always been dedicated to the memory of our California fallen law enforcement officers. Today would have been the California Peace Officers' Memorial Foundation services in Sacramento.

The second week in May is “National Police Week”. Law enforcement officers from all across our nation gather in Washington DC, to mourn the loss and remember our fallen brothers and sisters.

This year is different... and although we can’t physically gather to grieve and support each other as we push forward, we can and will honor our fallen law enforcement brothers and sisters.

So, today, tomorrow, the next day and every day thereafter, say a prayer, hug your loved ones, reach out to surviving families and friends of our fallen, and remember the sacrifices made by those who gave it all just to keep you and I safe. 
