Shop With A Cop: Back to School (Teacher's Edition)

In 2020, we modified our Back to School Shop with a Cop Program by recognizing several teachers across the county for their selfless commitment to the children they serve.

According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), more than 90% of all California teachers pay for class needs out of their own pocket, spending nearly $664 a year, despite their modest income.

Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, our SEBA Charity delivered $20,000 in gift cards to 10 different schools in the County of San Bernardino.


Del Rey Elementary school teacher Ms. Torres (pictured above) was able to purchase resources to help keep her students interacting throughout the day.

“Becoming an online first grade teacher for the first time ever has been challenging but definitely rewarding,” Ms. Torres said. “Seeing them excited to see me at 9 am is one of the greatest feelings, almost surreal. My students allow me to view the world as a beautiful place all over again.”  

Thank you to all our School Resource Officers and the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools for helping us make this happen!

Unfortunately, this year due to COVID 19 restrictions again, we are not able to take children shopping because of social distancing rules. Thanks to our amazing sponsors, once again, we will continue in the spirit of last year’s mission and sponsor teachers throughout our county.

If you would like more information regarding Shop With A Cop: Teacher’s Edition, please contact SEBA Events Coordinator Michael Tulisiak at
