Shop With A Cop Christmas Event: Jaeden Perez

Jaeden Perez came ready to the Shop With a Cop event.

The 9-year-old had a list of toys he wanted to buy with his $200 shopping spree. He rattled off the items to his shopping partner, Probation Officer Myrna DeLong. Myrna listened intently and the two made a beeline to the electronics department at Walmart to get the number one item – a new video game controller.

Jaeden talked about his favorite video games and how excited he was to find all the toys on his wish list.

“I’m looking for lots of stuff,” Jaeden said. “I know exactly what I want.”

Myrna said Jaeden reminded her of her own children, as he was almost the same age as her daughter. Myrna, who has been a member of the San Bernardino County Probation Department for 3 years, was looking forward to finally participating in Shop With a Cop.

“He’s such a cool kid,” Myrna said. “And it’s so much fun to watch him go around the store and pick out all the things on his wish list.”
