Shop With A Cop Christmas Event: Neveah Hernandez

Baden Gardner, a Senior District Attorney Investigator, looks forward each year to seeing the smiles on the faces of the SEBA Shop With a Cop participants.

“I love seeing how excited they get about getting stuff they normally couldn’t get otherwise.”

This year, the Shop With a Cop veteran got paired with 9-year-old Neveah Hernandez. Neveah moved quietly and methodically around Walmart spending her $200 wisely.

Although she was reserved, Neveah knew exactly what she wanted. As soon as her clothes were picked out she headed straight to the bikes.

She was immediately drawn to a pink and blue “Sea Star” bicycle, with silver streamers on the handlebars.

“I want that one,” she said.

“Are you sure, they have more in the garden area of the store if you want to look,” Gardner told her.

“No. I want this one,” she said with a confident smile.

Neveah picked out a helmet to complete her shopping experience and walked side-by-side with Gardner and her new bike to the cash register.

“This warms my heart and breaks down barriers between law enforcement and the kids we serve,” Gardner said. “They can see that we are human too.”
