Probation Corrections Officers - Leave Provisions

 Many of you may have recently received a “Notice of Absenteeism” from a supervisor. These notices are utilized by Human Resources as a reminder to staff regarding the use of sick time. These notices are not disciplinary in nature. They serve as a reminder of one’s sick time usage and the need to produce medical notes upon request. An example of the memorandum can be seen below.

Please familiarize yourself with the current MOU regarding sick time usage. Specifically, under Leave Provisions Section 1(b) and (d). These describe your annual accumulation of sick time and when doctor’s notes can be requested.


Specialized Peace Officer & Specialized Peace Officer Supervisory Unit 2023 - 2027 MOU

Section 1Sick Leave

(b) Accumulation – Employees in regular positions shall accrue sick leave for each payroll period completed, prorated on the basis of eighty-eight (88) hours per year, or 3.39 hours per pay period. Earned sick leave shall be available for use the first day following the payroll period in which it is earned. There shall be no limit on sick leave accumulation.

The minimum charge against accumulated sick leave shall be fifteen (15) minutes. Employees in regular positions paid less than eighty (80) hours per pay period or job- shared positions shall receive sick leave accumulation on a pro rata basis.

(d) Administration

(3) Review/Proof – Generally, a request for a doctor’s note should not be requested until an employee has used half of his/her annual sick leave accrual, unless misuse of sick leave is suspected. The Department may review and determine the justification of any request for sick leave with pay and may, in the interest of the County, require a medical report by a doctor to support a claim for sick leave pay.

(i) The following are some examples, not to be considered an all-inclusive list, of circumstances in which a supervisor may request a doctor’s certificate: • An employee calls in to report an absence due to illness on a day before or after his/her scheduled days off.

• An employee calls in and may be considered an employee who excessively uses sick leave.

• An employee calls in on a date for which the employee was previously denied leave.

• An employee calls off for a scheduled mandatory assignment.

• For periods of extended absence.


If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact a SEBA Representative at (909) 885-6074.