Shop With A Cop Christmas Event: Keira Hernandez

Keira Hernandez used this year’s SEBA Shop With a Cop event to indulge in a fun holiday tradition: Ugly Christmas sweaters.

“I got a bunch of them because they are funny,” Keira said. “Kids would wear them at school but I never did because it didn’t make any sense to buy something I could only wear one time.”

Keira, 9, and her younger sister Sydney, participated in the Shop With a Cop event in Colton and were given $200 each to spend. Sydney – who loves to shop – was specifically looking for school clothes. Sydney’s “cop” shopping partner, Austin Perkins, made this spending spree even better.

“He’s silly and smiles a lot,” the 6-year-old said. “He’s helping me pick out a lot of cool stuff.”

Perkins immediately bonded with her because he has a little sister named Sydney.

“This means a lot to me,” Perkins said. “I think this shows what the profession can do for the community. And this Sydney is an awesome little girl.”
