Shop With A Cop Christmas Event: Lachelle Hunt

Lachelle Hunt of San Bernardino had waved to plenty of police officers in her community but never got the chance to spend time with one until the Colton Shop With a Cop event. There, Lachelle was teamed up with 24-year-old Ontario Police Officer Alicia Morris.

“It was really fun and really nice,” Lachelle said. “I got to spend the day with a cop. Usually you just say hi but I got to talk to her about life.”

The two bonded over clothes, sports and their holiday plans. But what really connected them was the fact that Officer Morris also grew up in San Bernardino and attended the same elementary school as Lachelle, Davidson Elementary.

“I can relate to her,” Morris said. “I see myself in her and some of her struggles with the dynamics of her class. We talked about staying positive and not letting people get to you. I reminded her we are all here to protect her.”
