Everyday Heroes: Magic with Macy's

We are proud to once again partner with Macy’s to provide children from the Inland Empire with a back to school shopping spree. Thank you to all our members and supporters who showed up today to make the event a huge success!

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SEBA ON DEMAND - Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren

On this episode of SEBA on DEMAND, we talk to City of Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren who recently joined SEBA and hundreds of peace officers in the State Capitol: “It gave me a chance to understand, even more, the trials and tribulations that all of you are going through. And we as a public, we support you.”

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SEBA on DEMAND - Jason Hendrix

On this episode of SEBA on DEMAND, we talk to San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Sergeant and @Cannonball Memorial Run Co-Founder Jason Hendrix: “For me, twenty-three years ago, I was shot eight times in the line of duty and I survived. But each and every day there are officers that go to work, put on that uniform and they do not know if they are going to be coming home that night.”

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SEBA on DEMAND - Melissa Burroughs

On this episode of SEBA on DEMAND, we talk to SEBA Labor Representative Melissa Burroughs: “The work I do at SEBA is extremely personal for me. I was a Deputy Sheriff for 17 years until I was medically retired in 2016. It was devastating, but it has given me the knowledge and experience to help others. Ultimately, I want our members to know they have resources and that they can call me anytime they have questions, or need help.”

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Comments by a UC Davis English professor saying he believes police officers “need to be killed” gained attention after the shooting death of City of Davis Police Department Officer Natalie Corona.

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Everyday Hero: Alaina Mathews

Alaina Mathews wants to do more when it comes to raising awareness about breast cancer in the Inland Empire, and for her efforts, she is our EVERYDAY HERO. This year there will be nearly 2,300 women diagnosed with breast cancer in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

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SEBA ON DEMAND - Lynette Mackay

SEBA is proud to announce the launch of its video podcast, SEBA ON DEMAND, which is designed to provide a unique vehicle of communication regarding issues that matter to our law enforcement community. The show will be hosted by Lolita Harper, the SEBA Director of Government and Media Relations and former San Bernardino County Sheriff’s detective.

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Shop With A Cop: Back To School

SEBA has offered the Shop With a Cop program for many years and traditionally hosted similar shopping sprees during December. However, it became increasingly apparent there was a great need in the community to buy clothes, shoes, backpacks and other items months before the Christmas event was offered.

Responding to the need, SEBA created the Back to School event.

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Everyday Hero - Freddy Aguilar

We met Freddy at our Shop With A Cop Christmas event last month and he is a remarkable young boy. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him or talking to him, but Freddy suffers from HLA-B27. It is a rare, incurable autoimmune disease, which attacks the soft tissue and cartilage and causes pain and damage to the joints, tendons, ligaments and eyes.

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SEBA Spotlight: Hope Team

Meet the SEBA members behind the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department HOPE Team. The Homeless Outreach and Proactive Enforcement (H.O.P.E.) program is a pro-active approach intended to ultimately reduce calls for service and other resources currently required to deal with the homeless population.

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Juvenile Mentoring: Not Just an Act

Christina Lopez straggled into a classroom last fall where she was to spend the next 10 weeks to complete the terms of her juvenile probation. She stood with her arms crossed and gave very little eye contact to any of the instructors.

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